Even though we don't have ads on Atomi, ad blockers can get a bit jumpy and often cause Atomi services to fail in unexpected ways. If you have an ad blocker installed in your browser, you'll need to whitelist Atomi's domains to make sure everything works as it should.
We've made some instructions below for popular ad blockers and how to whitelist Atomi.
Adblock Plus
Click on the Adblock Plus icon at the top of your browser window. If you can't see the Adblock plus icon you can follow these steps first.
2. Then click on the 'Options' menu item or icon.
3. Select the 'Whitelisted websites' tab under Settings.
4. Add the URL getatomi.com
to the whitelisted websites field.
5. Click the 'Add Website' button to finish.
You may need to refresh the page on your next visit to Atomi.
UBlock Origin
Click the uBlock Origin icon in your browser menu bar
Click the settings icon on the right (under the big power button)
Click whitelist tab
to the whitelistGo back to Atomi and refresh your page
And here's a youtube tutorial if you get stuck.