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Adding students to a class

How to add students to your classes or invite them to join your school account by adding them to a class.

Tom O'Donahoo avatar
Written by Tom O'Donahoo
Updated over 3 years ago

Who can use this feature? Only users with the role of owner, admin or teacher on a school account.

Students can only access the lessons for classes they've been added to so make sure you get them set up with their classes! Here's how:

1. From your Classes page click on the class you'd like to add students to.

2. Click on the Students tab below the class name. 

3. Click on the Add students button on the right hand side of the screen (If you're on a mobile, it's the large round blue '+' button in the top right).

4. To add students start typing their name or email to search and select the correct student(s) from the list below the search field.

5. If the students you'd like to add don't appear when you search for them, they may not have been invited to your account yet. If you're an admin on your account, you can invite new students by typing their email addresses in the field below the list. Teachers who need to invite new students should contact their admin.

6. Once you’ve selected all the students you’d like to join your class, click the Add students button to finish!

If you’d like to add many at once you can use the bulk add students function instead.

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